Phone: 301.593.6554

Before your first appointment, please review and sign our office forms.

Before your first appointment, you may wish to review our office forms. Below are the standard forms that we use, including a patient agreement form.  Be sure to read our Notice of Privacy Policies as you will be asked to sign an acknowledgement that you have read this particular document.  You may also review these documents in our offices upon your arrival. Please allow a minimum of 20 minutes prior to your appointment in order to complete them in the office.

How to fill and sign a PDF form:

1. Select and open the form you need.
2. BEFORE completing the form, download it and SAVE the form to your device (as a .pdf).
3. Open the saved PDF using Adobe Acrobat Reader
4. Click the Fill & Sign icon in the toolbar on the right to display the Fill & Sign tool
5. The form fields are detected automatically. Type in your responses.

6. To add your signature, click the Sign icon in the toolbar. You will see Type, Draw or Image. We recommend that you Draw your signature or insert an Image of your signature.
7. SAVE the completed document as a PDF.
8. Print and return by mail, or request a secure email to send them to us digitally.
9. Forms must be received 2 days in advance of intake.

How to fill and sign a PDF form:

1. Select and open the form you need.
2. Before completing the form, download it and save the form to your device (as a .pdf).
3. Open the saved PDF using Adobe Acrobat Reader
4. Click the Fill & Sign icon in the toolbar on the right. to display the Fill & Sign tool
5. The form fields are detected automatically. Type in your responses.
6. To add your signature, click the Sign icon in the toolbar. You will see Type, Draw or Image. We recommend that you Draw your signature or insert an Image of your signature.
7. SAVE the completed document as a PDF.
8. Print and return by mail, or request a secure email to send them to us digitally.
9. Forms must be received 2 days in advance of intake.

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