Phone: 301.593.6554

Feel free to call us at 301-593-6554. You may choose to leave a general message by pressing extension 10 or contact our intake coordinator at extension 23 for information regarding individual or group services. For a particular therapist, please refer to the information below. Be sure to leave a day time as well as evening phone number where you can be reached. Your call will be returned as soon as possible, generally within the same day.

All calls are treated confidentially.

Ext. Therapist (A-Z) Office Location
 14 Dr. Alvord Rockville and Chevy Chase
 48 Ms. Abrahams Rockville and Chevy Chase
 20 Dr. Bufka Chevy Chase
62 Dr. Buonopane Rockville and Chevy Chase
 13 Ms. Carmichael Rockville
 16 Dr. Cummings Rockville
 17 Dr. Kramer-Kuhn Rockville
 12 Dr. Lewis-Morrarty Chevy Chase
 58 Dr. Linas Rockville
 19 Dr. Loffredo Rockville
 53 Dr. Malesa Chevy Chase
29 Ms. Marrero Rockville
 61 Dr. Myerberg Rockville
 46 Dr. Shiffrin Starin Rockville and Chevy Chase
 22 Ms. Trimble Chevy Chase
 55 Dr. Watson Rockville and Chevy Chase
60 Dr. Weinstock Chevy Chase  
 15 Dr. Wilson Chevy Chase
 21 Dr. Yutzy Chevy Chase
 63 Ms. Yutzy Chevy Chase
Ext. Staff
 23 Intake Coordinator  Email
 23 Group Coordinator Email
 40 Rockville Receptionist
 24 Chevy Chase Receptionist
 25 Office Manager Email

You may also fax us at our Rockville office: 301-255-0461 or at our Chevy Chase office: 301-754-1034


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