Phone: 301.593.6554

Is therapy right for you?

We all experience sadness, anxiety, and interpersonal difficulties from time to time. We sometimes assume that these problems will just go away on their own, and often this is the case. However, if you or your child feels overwhelmed or has trouble functioning, you may wish to consider seeking professional help.

We treat a range of issues within the context of these services:

Therapy can help those with a diagnosable mental illness, as well as those experiencing difficulty coping with life stressors. Some hesitate to seek help due to the unjustified stigma of mental illness. In fact, psychological disorders are relatively common, occurring in around 1 in 5 American adults. Also, psychological distress is best understood as along a continuum, with those meeting criteria for a "disorder" simply experiencing greater levels of typical human emotions such as anxiety, anger, and sadness. Another barrier to seeking treatment is the concern that therapy will be very time-consuming. In reality, the length and commitment of therapy are wide-ranging. At Alvord, Baker & Associates, your therapist will develop a treatment plan that takes into account your therapeutic goals and needs, and for some, a few sessions may be appropriate.

If you are wondering whether therapy is a good choice for you, consider contacting our intake coordinator (301-593-6554 ext 23) to learn more about our services. The following article, which appears in the Huffington Post, discusses some of the reasons to engage in therapy and includes comments by Dr. Mary Alvord: Click here for the article.

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